- Watermelon special fruitcarving site -
Welcome to the world of fruit carving!
"Watermelon sculpture" entertains the infinite possibility carving on green, white, red part in watermelon.
After appreciation, we cool it, and let's enjoy eating it.
Please take a look at what Takashi Itoh from Japan creates with delicious and beautiful watermelon!
The gallery of watermelon sculpture by Takashi Itoh.
Sculpture no.163 has been exhibited since 6/February/2016
Copyright 2001-2016 Takashi Itoh, All rights reserved.
Carving Gallery
WatermelonCarving145-150 . WatermelonCarving151-156 . WatermelonCarving157-163
WatermelonCarving127-132 . WatermelonCarving133-138 . WatermelonCarving139-144
WatermelonCarving109-114 . WatermelonCarving115-120 . WatermelonCarving121-126
WatermelonCarving091-096 . WatermelonCarving097-102 . WatermelonCarving103-108
WatermelonCarving073-078 . WatermelonCarving079-084 . WatermelonCarving085-090
WatermelonCarving055-060 . WatermelonCarving061-066 . WatermelonCarving067-072
WatermelonCarving037-042 . WatermelonCarving043-048 . WatermelonCarving049-054
WatermelonCarving019-024 . WatermelonCarving025-030 . WatermelonCarving031-036
WatermelonCarving001-006 . WatermelonCarving007-012 . WatermelonCarving013-018
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